Friday, April 13, 2012

Embers...don't miss out on dessert

One of the BEST things about your children getting older is that they can stay home by themselves. No more packing suitcases with games, snacks and sippy cups. No more whining because they are bored at any place other than Chuck-E-Cheese's. If they don't want to come, well they can just stay home! I've (Matt) reached this point in our family and I can say that it is liberating.

Now I can have dinners out with my lovely wife and worry about whether staying for dessert is worth the extra cash for the babysitter.

Last week we enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Embers Restaurant on Montgomery Road in Kenwood. Sushi appetizer, to die for. Scallops to fight over. Steak to savor. Everything was really delicious. Our server was friendly and prompt. We enjoyed chatting with Clay, one of the assistant managers (and a guy I hadn't seen since college) and Tim, the general manager. We stuffed ourselves with good food and relaxed conversation.

Then came dessert: The banana panini, a crispy, crunchy, creamy dessert to leave you licking your fingers for more. They sandwich banana slices between cinnamon bread and toast it to a caramelized crust on the panini grill. Then top it with a Nutella drizzle, powdered sugar and toffee bits. As if it couldn't get any better, they serve a Madisono's custom banana gelato on the side. Dear lord, if you were going to die from dessert, this is the way to go. As you can see, we were so entranced by the dessert that we completely forgot to take the photo until we'd eaten half of it.

Thanks everyone at Embers for such a great night!

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